News from CSM

Published: June 5, 2024

The Community of the Sisters of Melanesia, reports from Solomon Islands.

The Community of the Sisters of Melanesia (CSM) currently has 52 sisters, 23 novices and 14 aspirants. Following recent changes in leadership, Sr Everill is acting Head Sister until the new leadership elections in September.

CSM is incredibly grateful for the support that led to the construction and consecration of the new chapel during last year’s Feast of Pentecost. The sisters very much enjoy worshipping in their new chapel. However, there are still a few building works to be done, which include the retainer wall, the church tower and final painting works.

CSM is proud of their third-year novices, who have completed their field practical in the first quarter of the year. Furthermore, CSM reached out to communities in Sahalu Parish in the Diocese of Guadalcanal during its Lent and Holy Week Missions.

Following the celebrations around the Feast of Pentecost on 19th May, CSM’s final year Novices have been admitted as professed Sisters, and the Aspirants became Novitiates. CSM has now started its Selwyn Primary School Christian Education Programme, which is to support the school in its efforts to educate children, one of the CSM’s mission objectives. The programme is supported by CSM Admin and Literacy Trainer Flory Kafa, and involves sisters and novices in Christian Education teaching programmes.

CSM is looking forward to a number of exciting events and missions this year. From 16th to 21st September, CSM will hold its General Conference for Sisters and Associates. CSM is excited to welcome associate reps from all dioceses and regions for the conference. On 27th September, CSM will celebrate St Stephen Taroniara and the Martyrs of Melanesia, and Sisters will renew their vows and promises. CSM is also looking forward to commemorating Saints Day on 29th September and the establishment of the Community on St Hilda’s Day on 17th November, for which sisters and novices will gather at the Nesta Atkin Tiboe Household in Vutu.  As usual, the Community outreach for its annual Christmas Mission, which will be conducted in the highlands in the Diocese of Ysabel.

Please uphold the Community in your prayers for its upcoming events and leadership elections. 

“Words cannot sufficient how thankful this Community have been blessed from your open hearts and thoughts to the continuous development growth this Community been taken this far. I salute you all for the great support done. It is our prayer that this will continue as we continue to empower this growing Community in Christ like ways. May God bless us all.”

– Flory Kafa, CSM Admin & Literacy Trainer